With a new diet trend popping up every few months, it can be difficult to choose the right one for you. The following five diets offer something for every type of food-lover, whether you are a vegan, carnivore, carbohydrate addict or just cannot live without the occasional dessert.
1. The Raw Food Diet
The concept behind the raw food diet is that cooking destroys many of the natural enzymes and nutrients contained in our food. Therefore, raw food is thought to be much healthier for the body and can also offer protection against disease. Raw Foodists consume mainly raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains. The diet is a wonderful way to detox your body and flood your system with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that will improve your health and wellbeing. However, if you plan to stick to this plan long-term, you will need to invest in a food dehydrator to increase your meal options.
2. The 5:2 Diet
The 5:2 diet has been gaining in popularity as many people have reported losing a substantial amount of weight in a relatively short time. It involves fasting for two days per week and eating normally on the other five. On feast days, you can consume no more than 500 -600 calories and must drink plenty of water. Contrary to popular belief, people on this diet do not tend to gorge themselves on non-fast days and instead continue the practice of eating in moderation. This diet is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or those with a chronic illness.
3. The Atkins Diet
The Atkins Diet is loved by models and celebrities worldwide. Developed by Robert Atkins, M.D., the Atkins Diet requires you to strictly limit your intake of carbohydrates. Pasta, bread, rice and potatoes are off the menu, but you are allowed meat, poultry, eggs and butter. Alcohol and caffeine are strictly forbidden during the initial induction phase of the diet. After progressing to the ongoing weight loss phase, you can slowly introduce carbs back into your diet that come from sources such as seeds, legumes, whole wheat and fruit.
4. The Zone Diet
Barry Sears, PhD, is the creator of the Zone Diet that requires followers to comply with strict rules in order to lose weight. Every meal consumed in the diet must consist of 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 30% fat. You can eat three meals per day plus two snacks, but these must be eaten according to a strict timetable. It is essential to invest in a good book to follow this diet correctly as it divides food into good fats and bad fats. Certain fruits and vegetables such as corn, carrots, raisins and bananas are also discouraged.
5. The Flat Belly Diet
The flat belly diet is ideal for those who want fast results. Created by Liz Vaccariello and Cynthia Sass, the first four days of the plan aim to reduce bloating and give you a flat tummy in no time. Followers cannot eat foods such as pasta, beans, bananas, broccoli or onions. Salt and processed foods are also forbidden. You will be required to consume 2 litres of ‘sassy water’ every day, which is a concoction of mint, lemon, ginger and cucumber. After the initial four days, the plan focuses on a Mediterranean-style diet consisting of meat, fish, salads and soups.
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